圖示-Morning chicken
Franchise Requirements

Franchise Model and Contract Duration

Voluntary franchise, with three-year contracts

  • 1.Investors are also actual operators.

  • 2.Actual operators must undergo headquarters training.

  • 3.Requires more than two participants in a 200-hour training and passing  tests, with a team of 3-5 people before store opening.

  • 4.Hardworking and willing to challenge self-business management.

  • 5.Stores must pass headquarters evaluation, meeting location standards and business district protection.

  • 6.Sufficient investment capital including operational turnover.

  • 7.Sufficient investment capital including operational turnover.

  • 8.Experience dining at a "Good Morning Rooster" store, understanding and agreeing with the product and brand.

  • 9.Understand the spirit and meaning of the franchise system, prioritizing team order, adhering to the "Good Morning Rooster Store Management" for mutual benefit.

  • 10.Agree with the "Good Morning Rooster" brand philosophy and comply with contractual regulations.

images-Good Morning Rooster Farm Breakfast