圖示-Morning chicken
Franchise Q&A

Franchise Q&A

QHow can I franchise "Good Morning Rooster Farm Breakfast"?
APlease go to [Contact Us] and fill out the basic information form. Our staff will contact you, or you can call the franchise hotline [0800-200501] for inquiries.
QIs it okay to have no experience?
AThe company has a set SOP process and comprehensive training, allowing you to easily learn and become a professional leader even without prior experience.
QDo I need to find the location myself?
AIf you have your own site, the company will send staff for evaluation. Alternatively, the company can assist in finding a location and will conduct a market evaluation at no cost. However, it is still recommended that the franchisee actively seek out locations for faster results.
QHow large should the store be?
AAt least 15 ping (approximately 50 square meters).
QCan you assist with bank loans if funds are insufficient?
AThe company currently has cooperative loan projects with banks. As long as your personal credit is good and you sign a contract with the company, you can apply for a loan.
images-Good Morning Rooster Farm Breakfast